Railways in Luxemburg

Railways in Luxemburg


Arbed, location Esch-Belval

arbed location Esch-Belval

The plant in Belval was one of the latest of the industrial areas that was created. Only between 1909 and 1912 the blast furnace and steel factories were built. They were owned by the "Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks A.G.". This firm was also the owner of the nearby situated location Rothe Erde.

In 1911 the company was included in the ARBED, a merging of several industrial estates in Luxemburg.

The blast furnace in Belval was closed in 1997. The nearby steel factory, where electro steel was made, remained. The large area of the blast furnaces was changed to a modern site with offices and a university which was developed from 2001 on and still is being developed.

Nearby the industrial estate a railway halt was created. For a long time there was only one platform. Trains riding in western direction had to switch to the left track. Only later a second platform was made, which was reachable from the large passenger bridge leading to the Arbed works. After closure of the industries, and the redevelopment of the terrain, the halt changed its name from Belval-Usines into Belval-Université.

Foto's of Arbed, location Esch-Belval

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