Railways in Luxemburg

Railways in Luxemburg


Arbed, location Rothe-Erde

arbed location Rothe-Erde

On 4-12-1869 the "Société des Hauts-Fourneaux Luxembourgeois" was created. Already one year later the first blast furnace was opened on the site south west of Esch-sur-Alzette. In 1892 the third blast furnace was opened.

In july 1892 a fusion took place with the "Aachener Hütten-Aktien Verein Rothe Erde", whereupon this name was used for the location. In 1899 a fifth blast furnace was opened.

In 1905 the company merged with the "Schalker Gruben- und Huttenverein" and the "Gelsenkirchener Bergwerk a.g." an in 1907 for the combination a new name "Rhein-Elbe-Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks a.g." was used.

As there was too little space to grow, between 1909 and 1912 a new industrial area in Belval was opened.

The First World War was loosed by Germany in 1918. As the company was nearly almost German, it was decided that Rothe-Erde in Esch-sur-Alzette would go further as "Société Métallurgique des Terres-Rouges (Belval et Terre Rouge)". Because of war damage it lasted several years before the location was reopened, in 1925 the blast furnaces were reopened. In 1925 the location was connected with Belval and with Schifflange with a pipe line for gas. In 1927 a railway line from Rothe Erde to Belval and a railway line from Rothe Erde to Schifflange were made, both electrified with 600 V=.

In 1927 the company merged with others into ARBED.

In 1977 the location was closed. The location has long been a wasted area, but around 2020 the project Rout Lëns was made to reallocate the area with houses and offices.

Foto's of Arbed, location Rothe-Erde

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