Railways in Luxemburg

Railways in Luxemburg


Arbed, location Differdange

arbed location Differdange

In Differdange there were first trials to open an industrial estate. On 1-8-1873 the "Société industrielle du Grand-Duché de Luxemburg" was created, in 1883 the name was changed into "s.a. des Mines et Hauts Fourneaux de Differdange". But this firm was not viable; it went into bankruptcy in 1886, the property was taken over by several banks

On 12-3-1896 a second trial was made. Then the "s.a. des Hauts-Fourneaux de Differdange" was created. In 1900 three blast furnaces and a rolling mill were opened. A railway line from Thillenberg to Differdange for transport of iron ore to the ore loading station near Differdange station (that existed already for years) was rebuilt. The line was in exploitation by the PH-railway (forerunner of the CFL). It was changed from normal gauge into narrow gauge (700 mm) and reopened on 23-1-1901 (see box below).

Traject: Differdange-Thillenberg
Opening: 23-1-1901
Track width: 700 mm
Length: 2,27 km
Electrification: 1933
Current: 600 V=
Exploitation 1901-1933: PH-railway
Exploitation 1933-1981: HADIR
Closure: 27-11-1981

On 15-3-1905 the firm was taken over by the "Deutsch-Luxemburgische Bergwerks- und Hütten a.g.", which in august 1910 made a fusion with the "Dortmunder Union" where in Differdange the "Abteilung Differdange" was created. In 1911 there was again a fusion, now with the "s.a. des Hauts-Fourneaux de Rumelange".

As the First World War ended with a loss for Germany and the firm was German oriented, the decision was made to make a new firm, the "Hauts-Fourneaux et Aciéries de Differdange, St.Inbert, Rumelange (HADIR)". The location in Differdange was extended; in 1930 there were 10 blast furnaces.

In 1967 the firm was taken over by Arbed, in 2002 the name became Arcelor, and on 25-6-2006 Arcelor-Mittal.

The last blast furnace was closed on 22-10-1989. But steel works (rolling mill, steel factory) are still present, also today. In 1994 a modern electro steel factory was opened. The connection by rail is no longer in Differdange, but since 2001 over the Arbed-owned rail line Belval-Differdange.

Foto's of Arbed, location Differdange

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